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Courses and Programs

We are committed to providing diverse, relevant and accessible professional development opportunities that cater for the different interests of our clinicians and business support team at all stages of their careers.

Our tailored programs and special interest groups provide more experienced clinicians with structured professional development opportunities and a way of connecting with like-minded people within the organisation. 

Contributing to our professional development pathways are the committed members of our Professional Development Committee and our Clinical Advisory Committees.

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Ongoing Program

Our Early Career Mentoring Program is designed to support those in the early stages of their career. Whilst the sessions are structured, there is enough flexibility to ensure the program is meeting the individual needs of the participants. 


Clinic Partner Program


Our Clinic Partner Program focuses on connecting our partners from all over Australian and New Zealand and includes workshops, events and online sessions on business management and leadership. 

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Online PD

MESH (Medicine Education Science and Health) is what we call all of our online programs. We currently have 17 different streams of MESH.


10 Month Program

The Clinical Leadership Program is designed for those with at least 3 years’ experience and involves two face-to-face workshops and monthly small group mentoring sessions facilitated by internal and external experts and specialist clinicians.


Special Interest Groups


To support the diverse range of interests of our team members, our special interest groups focus on specific areas of clinical practice. 



For our team & those external to Healthia

Workshops are available to Healthia staff and external members of our professional community to upskill their clinical skills.The workshops are organised by the professional development committee.


10 Month Program

The Business Leadership Program is designed for those with at least 3 years’ experience and involves two face-to-face workshops and monthly small group mentoring sessions facilitated by internal and external business experts.


Integrated Leadership Program


Healthia’s Integrated Leadership Program is a tailored series of face-to-face and online workshops and masterclasses designed to inform, challenge and develop personal and professional leadership attributes specifically suited to the healthcare context. It fills the gap between clinical and business training Healthia already provide through the Clinical Leadership and Business Leadership programs.


Clinical Conference 

2 Day Professional Development Event

The Healthia conference brings our clinical and business support team members together for a 2-day event that involves internationally recognised clinicians and researchers.

Recent Graduate Program

This 10-month program is designed to facilitate a successful transition into private practice and then further develop and refine practical and clinical reasoning skills.

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Want to know more about our programs?

A range of our programs are open to internal employees as well as to individuals external to Healthia. To find out what is available to you click below which option applies to you. 

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